Edit the Inventory for a Menu Item

On the Inventory tab, you can edit settings for a menu item and select the physical locations where the menu item is stored.

  1. On the Menu Templates screen, open the menu template that contains the menu item that you want to edit.

  2. On the Menu Template Detail screen, locate the menu item that you want to edit.

  3. In the row for the menu item, click .

  4. Select the Inventory tab. [Show image.][Hide image.]

  5. In the row for the inventory group that you want to edit, click to show all the members of that group. For example, a 10oz Soup item is part of the Soup Bowl inventory group.

  6. In the Is This Item Ordered? column, select the check box for each menu item that needs to be ordered. If at least one member of the inventory group is selected, a green check mark appears next to the header. If none are selected, a red X appears.

  7. In the Show on WISR? column, when an item is selected to be ordered, select the check box to show that item in the WISR report.

  8. In the Stock Locations column, use the list to identify where each menu item is located. You can select more than one location.

  9. Click Save.